Insuring Your Watercraft With A Good Boat Insurance Policy

July 7, 2023 By

Water sports are extremely popular in South Africa and that means there are numerous vessels in use on the waters across our country. These may be holiday or weekend toys, but insuring your watercraft is incredibly important. And in the same vein, so knows what you’re protecting your boat against. Knowing what your boat insurance policy provides is important because it’ll allow you to exclude any unnecessary extras, which will in turn save you money.

So what does bot insurance cover?

Firstly, the vessels which fall under boat insurance include most boats, and particularly ski boats, jet-skis and wet bikes. The policy will protect the hull, motor, machinery, equipment, standard fittings and accessories that would normally be sold with the relevant watercraft. A boat insurance policyholder will also receive cover should any emergency repairs, expenses, or medical expenses (including family members). You will also receive cover for any recovery accommodation or trauma treatment in the unlikely event of you needing it.

Boat insurance policies will also cover policyholders against many liability losses, whether the owner is operating the vessel or not. However, the boat insurance cover will be slightly adjusted in such situations, but you will still be protected against damage to any other craft or dock, bodily injury, or death or another person due to negligence, towed water skiers, and even wake boarders who are injured as a result of being towed by your vessel.

Your boat insurance policy will also continue to protect your watercraft should it incur any damage to the hull, machinery, equipment or any injury that you may have suffered by an uninsured watercraft operator. You will also receive towing assistance should you break down in the water and be unable to return to your jetty, or mooring point.

Finding the right boat insurance policy is equally important to finding the right car insurance policy or even your contents insurance policy for you home. This is especially important during the South African holiday season at the end of the year when many holidaymakers make their way to the water masses across the country for some recreational relaxation. Shop around before deciding on a boat insurance policy to make sure that you get the most value for your money without compromising on the cover you’ll receive.