Breast Implant,Breast Enlargement At Bare Aesthetics Cosmetic Surgery Clinics Sydney &Amp; Port Macquarie
August 16, 2023
Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: Bobby Kumar
Breast Augmentation (Enlargement)
Many Women are choosing to have Breast Augmentation to correct inadequate or irregular breast size and shape, and some degree of drooping of the breasts (Breast Ptosis). Alternatively the choice is made for purely aesthetic reasons to enhance the body s appearance and contours.
It is important that women considering Breast Augmentation should be fully informed about the safety of the surgical procedure, the choice of implants available and the correct location for the placement of the implants.
All implants do ultimately fail and or have a finite lifespan, whether for reasons associated with Capsular Contractures, implant rupture or leak, or the patient with age deciding that the body shape and contour no longer suits them.
During the consultation Dr. Bobby Kumar and his trained staff will thoroughly discuss the surgical and aesthetic management with regards to Breast Augmentation.
Breast Augmentation is performed in an accredited day surgery and under general or sedation anaesthesia provided by an accredited fully trained anaesthetist. Typically most patients will require day only stay in the day surgery unit.
Saline or Silicone Implants
There are two types of implants available, these being Saline or Silicone. Both types of Implants are contained within a Silicone Shell.
The choice of Implant type is dependent on several factors including the patients Skin type, the amount of Native Breast Tissue prior to Augmentation, the age of the patient and any underlying irregularities such as Breast droop (Ptosis) or shape of the Breasts.
There are supposed advantages of one type of implant over another in the scientific literature with regards to Capsular Contracture and Implant rupture. To date there is no conclusive evidence of a particular type of implant being absolutely better that another, and the choice at the time of consultation and surgery is dependent on the Surgeons assessment.
Recovery & Complications
Typically the majority of patients will have a relatively unremarkable recovery. The main symptom is minor pain and tightness as the skin has to adjust to accommodate the enlarged breasts. Over time the skin and the firmness of the breasts will settle and soften, the results however, are almost immediate.
Common complications are: Bruising, swelling, changed skin sensitivity. Rare complications are: Infection, bleeding and poor scar formation.
All Implants form a thin membrane around the implant; however, some women may form a particularly thick capsule causing symptoms and contracture of the implant. Unfortunately this is not predictable in patients who have never had a Breast Augmentation.
Breast Reduction/Lift
Breast Reduction surgery is performed for patients who have large breasts which cause back and neck pain, potential infections under the breast crease, poor self esteem and difficulty with wearing and or obtaining certain clothes.
There are various surgical approaches in performing a breast reduction majority of these techniques involve placing a scar on the lower half of the breast and around the nipple areola complex. The Bennelli technique involves a scar around the nipple areola complex only and avoids a scar on the breast skin.
The Bennelli technique is usually performed on breasts which require minimal lifting and minimal reduction of breast tissue.
A Breast lift (Mastopexy) is performed for women who have drooping or saggy breasts and they essentially require little or no removal of breast tissue.
The procedure is usually performed because of changes to the breast associated with age, after pregnancy and following significant weight loss. The surgery involves tightening the lax skin, and lifting the breast tissue to produce a more pleasing breast shape, occasionally a breast implant is required to provide shape, fullness and support the breast tissues.
Unfortunately due to the loss of the natural elastic tissue of the breasts and age related sagging of the skin, the breast over time will ultimately sag again. This is especially so if there is subsequent volume enlargement and then loss of the breast volume following the initial breast lift/reduction, such as occurs with pregnancy.
However, the results following a Breast reduction and or lift are quite pleasing and typically patients are happy, experiencing relief of their symptoms.
Gynaecomastia (Male Breast Enlargement)
Men can develop fatty or fibrous breast enlargement, which may occur for a variety of reasons such as Metabolic, physiological, age related and medication induced.
Many men find the appearance unsightly and they develop poor self image, avoiding certain social situations requiring removal of shirts or T-shirts.
The surgical management for Gynaecomastia is either Liposuction alone or a combination of liposuction and excision of the fibrous component of the breast tissue. A small incision is made around the lower half of the nipple areola complex; this eventually heals well and fades over 2-3 months.
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About the Author: Dr.Bobby A Kumar is a board certified Cosmetic Surgeon and a Fellow of the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery.He has clinics in Sydney,Pyrmont & Port Macquarie. For more information visit
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